Student Handbook


Kristen Lindsey - Assistant Principal

Mari Owens - Assistant Principal

Tyler Stallons - Assistant Principal


Cindy Hamby - Bookkeeper/Secretary

Holly Fletcher - Attendance

Denise Steele - Clerical Assistant/Front Desk


(270) 887-9960

Alecia Underwood - Guidance Counselor

Carrie Stallons - Guidance Counselor

Marcella Hale - Guidance Secretary


Angie Boggess


(270) 887-7073

Tera Babb


Kristen Lindsey  - Principal

Tonya Childs - Teacher Representative

Lacey Francies - Teacher Representative

Mary Ryan Griffith - Teacher Representative

Crystal Alexander - Parent Representative

Jennifer Forristall - Parent Representative


School Website



On Remind App:

8th Grade - @colonel27

7th Grade -  @colonel28

CCMS is a Live School!  Join with your parent account to keep daily/weekly updates on your child’s conduct and rewards/demerits. Learn more HERE

CCMS Student Handbook


Christian County Middle School will provide a challenging and relevant environment that inspires academic excellence, instills personal integrity and builds opportunities for student success so they may create a positive legacy for the future.


To create a learning environment where all students are motivated to find their purpose, to know their value, and to realize their full potential. 


Respect - Responsibility - Effort


In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, written policies and procedures have been developed which describe the Christian County School District’s requirements regarding the confidentiality of personally identifiable information.  Stated in this notice is a summary of your rights under the Act.  These rights are passed on to the student at age eighteen.  For the purpose of this notice, a student 18 years or older will be referred to as “eligible” student.  Parents, guardians, and eligible students may review and inspect all education records relating to that student by making a request to the principal of the school where that student attends. 

If you would like to read FERPA in its entirety, please come to the school to obtain a copy.

Guidelines For Success

CCMS School Wide Expectations


Each student has access to a copy of the Christian County Code of Acceptable Behavior & Discipline through the district website.  Parents and students should carefully read and familiarize themselves with this information.  The document was recently updated for the start of the school year.  The Code of Acceptable Behavior contains a complete listing of behavior infractions and violations. The Code also contains an updated matrix with strategies, interventions, and administrative responses to be used by school employees and administrators in response to inappropriate student behavior.

This Student-Parent Handbook further explains the expectations and the regulations of Christian County Middle School.  Students should abide by the standards of conduct in a manner that reflects a desire to learn.  At no time should student conduct interfere with the opportunity of others to learn.  


The purpose of the CCMS Behavior Model is to provide a consistent, school-wide set of expectations and procedures for teaching positive behaviors. As often as possible, all students should be kept in their best learning environment. This model will allow teachers to consistently intervene and assign consequences when necessary for minor classroom infractions, as well as, refer students to the administration when major violations take place. The following are goals of the behavior model: 

  1. Establish positive relationships between students and adults. 

  2. Change inappropriate behavior by re-teaching expectations, modeling appropriate behaviors, 

and providing the appropriate interventions needed for each student.  

  1. Establish a CONSISTENT and EQUITABLE framework for referrals and consequences that enhances the teacher’s ability to maintain the appropriate learning environment and is easy for parents and students to understand what constitutes inappropriate behavior and the interventions/consequences that follow. 


Behavior infractions will fall under two categories, Minor and Major. Staff will determine whether the behavior is a Major or Minor Infraction and record it on the appropriate form.  Parent contact will be attempted for all recorded Major infractions or when a teacher has given a child multiple minor write-ups. 

CCMS staff and administrators will follow the steps for interventions and administrative responses given in the CCPS Code of Acceptable Behaviors.

Minor Behavior Infractions: Minor categories are: Electronic Devices, Non-Compliance, Disruption, and Other.  Classroom teachers assign consequences for minors.  The examples given are not the only inappropriate behaviors that can fall in these categories:

  • Disruptive Behavior

  • Disrespectful Behavior

  • Failure to Follow Directions

  • Inappropriate Contact

  • Eating/Drinking in class

  • Not prepared for class

  • Inappropriate comments

  • Cell Phones and/or ear buds

  • Inappropriate use of technology


Consequences  for Minor Referrals will be applied appropriately to infractions.  They include but are not limited to the following:  Positive Reinforcement, minor referral, time out, change of environmental factor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (moved seat, change group, schedule, etc.), parent contact, parent conference, PBIS Tier II/III intervention referral, behavior point sheet/behavior log, righting the “wrong”, loss of privilege, loss of Colonel Pride card, referral to counselor, lunch detention, working lunch, check in/check out, etc.  

On the third minor referral, a major referral can be issued by the teacher for repeated classroom offenses (3 strikes you’re out rule).

Major Behavior Infractions will be recorded on a major office referral and turned in for a school administrator to assign consequences. Consequences will be administered per the CCPS Code of Acceptable Behavior.


Christian County Middle School is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers and patrons, free from harassment, intimidation or bullying.  

Bullying is a conscious, willful, deliberate activity intended to harm where the perpetrator(s) gets pleasure from the targeted child’s pain/and or misery. It can be verbal, physical, and/or relational; have as its overlay race, ethnicity, religion, gender (including sexual orientation), physical, or mental ability; includes all forms of hazing and cyberbullying. It can be, and often is, continuous and repeated over time, but does not have to be.  Once is enough to constitute bullying.

Harassment, intimidation or bullying can take many forms including: slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendo’s, demeaning comments, drawing cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, oral or physical actions.  “Intentional acts” refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s). 

This policy is not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical, or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the education environment.  Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment, intimidation, or bullying may still be prohibited by other district or building policies, classrooms, or program rules. 

Counseling, corrective discipline, and/or referral to law enforcement will be used to change the behavior of the perpetrator and remediate the impact on the victim.  This includes appropriate intervention(s), restoration of a positive climate, and support for victims and others impacted by the violation.  False reports or retaliation for harassment, intimidation or bullying also constitutes violations of this policy.


The CCMS dress code is in accordance with the CCPS Code of Acceptable Behavior dress and appearance section.  All students will adhere to the expectations listed below for dress and appearance.  If changes are made to the dress code, students and parents will be given proper notice.  Administrators will make decisions on appropriateness if questions arise with dress or appearance of a student.

*** CCMS Administrators reserve the right to ask students to change clothing or correct an issue of dress or appearance if it is deemed to be inappropriate or a distraction to the learning environment.  

The following will be considered in violation of CCMS dress code:

  • Clothing that exposes excessive skin (muscle shirts, low riding pants, tube tops, crop tops, spaghetti straps, low cut tops, etc.). 

  • Holes in jeans/pants must be at or below fingertips.

  • Shorts, dresses, and skirts must be finger-tip length or longer when arms are held down to the sides.

  • Straps on shirts must be at least three fingers width.

  • No head apparel including hats, rakes, picks, hoods pulled up, bandannas, combs, etc.   

  • Shoes must be worn.  No house shoes/slippers.

  • Pants must be worn at waist level. No sagging. 

  • All undergarments are to be hidden from view. This includes: bra straps, garters, boxer shorts, etc. 

  • No key chains or wallet chains allowed. 

  • No pajamas.

  • No clothing depicting or advertising drugs, alcohol, sex, offensive language or offensive content can be worn at school. 

  • No costume make-up or facial piercings that are a safety concern or create a disruption to the educational process.

  • Winter coats must be kept in the student's locker.

  • No sunglasses. 

  • If jewelry or accessories becomes a distraction, the student will be asked to remove it. 

Dress Code Violations – All violations will be corrected and documented. Staff will make every attempt to ensure that all dress code violations are handled upon arrival to first period.  There are times when violations are not immediately noticed or they occur later in the day.  These violations will be handled in the same manner.  All violations will be reported to the front office secretary for documentation.  The following steps will be taken:

  • 1st offense – Dress code will be retaught to the student, and he/she will correct the violation.  Students may call parents to bring clothing.  The school will not provide a change of clothing. Students will remain in ISS until the violation is corrected.  Once corrected, they may return to class. The incident will not be written up.  

  • 2nd offense – Documented as a violation (minor).  Students will correct the violation.  Students may call parents to bring clothing. The school will not provide a change of clothing. Students will remain in ISS until violation is corrected and an appropriate leveled consequence may be assigned for failure to follow directions.  Once corrected, he/she may return to class.  

  • 3rd offense and beyond – Documented as a major violation and handled at the discretion of the administration for repeated incidents of failure to follow directions. 


All student cell phones and accessories (chargers, ear buds, etc.) are to be kept in lockers during school hours, this includes in the classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, etc.   If a parent/guardian needs to communicate with the student they may call the school.  If a student needs to communicate with a parent/gaurdian, they may come to the front office to call.  Any phone seen, heard, or being used will be asked to be returned to locker and student will have a disciplinary consequence issued according to the CCPS code of conduct.

  • 1st Offense – Minor Referral 

  • 2nd Offense  - Minor Referral 

  • 3rd Offense and Beyond - Major Office Referral Administration discretion / Parent contact to pick up phone

**CCMS is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cell phones and/or accessories that are brought to school.


School Breakfast and Lunch  - Free meals are provided for all students. All students will receive a free lunch form to take home to be completed by their parent/guardian if a form was not received during summer registration.  The cafeteria provides additional free lunch forms if needed.  Adult breakfast is $2.75 and adult lunch is $4.60.

1. When going through the lunch line, students should secure the necessary items (food tray, napkin, utensils, etc.) that are needed.  You may go through the lunch line only one time.  A student should not be out of their seat during the designated lunch period without permission.  Students will stay seated until dismissed by their teacher or monitor.  Students must sit at their assigned tables.

2. Every student will have a four-digit code number to be punched in a keypad at the cash register.  Code numbers are not transferable to other students.

3. Students may pay for extra lunches.  Payments must be given to the cafeteria staff at time of purchase. Charging to an account is not permitted. Parents may also put extra money in student lunch accounts using

4. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria each morning.  The code number will be the same number as for lunch.  Grab & Go - Breakfast will be available on a cart at the bus rider and car rider entrances. Students will grab breakfast and go to advisory class to eat. 


It is most important to note that school bus transportation is a privilege and not a mandate.  CCMS students who do not comply with bus rules will receive appropriate consequences. Please refer to the CCPS Code of Acceptable Behaviors (School Transportation and Expectations) for bus expectations.  Bus referrals will be turned in to the school administration for appropriate disciplinary procedures. All consequences will be administered per the Code of Acceptable Behavior for Christian County Schools.  It is important to note that bus consequences could include bus suspensions. 


It is our expectation that students receive bell to bell instruction in all classes—every minute is important.  Students have 4 minutes between classes. If students are not in the classroom when the bell rings, they are considered tardy.  Students will receive negative points/demerits in Live School when tardy to class.  Parents will also be notified weekly of student tardies to class. Live School will keep a record of student tardies. Students who are more than 4 minutes late to class will be considered skipping, which is not tardy and will result in a major office referral. When students reach sets of 3 tardies, it is reported to the school administration for the appropriate leveled consequence:  

  • 1st set of 3 tardies - 1 day lunch detention

  • 2nd set (6 total) -  3 days of lunch detention

  • 3rd set (9 total) -  Major Office Referral - Consequences per Code of Acceptable Behavior


Students will be excused from school up to six (6) days for the following reasons: illness of the student, illness in home, and death in the family.  A note is required from parent/guardian or doctor upon their return to school. Absences will be excused with parent/guardian note for up to six (6) days.  These days do not have to be consecutive.  After the sixth (6th) parent note has been used, all further excuses must be provided by the medical provider or they will be unexcused.  CCBOE policy states that all notes must be turned in within five (5) school days following the absence for them to be marked excused.  Excuses may be emailed to the attendance clerk at:

Regular and punctual attendance is very important so that each student can receive maximum instruction in assigned classes.  The following is the established school hours for Christian County Middle School

Beginning Ending

8:13 a.m. 3:20 p.m.           3:15 bus dismissal

A student is tardy if he/she is not in the building before 8:13 a.m. Unless on a late bus, they are considered “tardy to school”, and this will be recorded in their attendance.  They will be given an admit slip to class.  Students, who are in the building but not in class by 8:13, will be considered “tardy to class”.  Any student tardy to class first period, without an excused note, will have a tardy slip turned in to the school secretary which will be counted with tardies from any other class periods.  Once students arrive on the CCMS campus, they are not to leave school grounds until dismissal. Doors do not open until 7:55 a.m.  If a student arrives before 7:55 a.m., he/she is to remain in front of the building inside parent/guardian vehicle, on the sidewalk (if a walker); however, it should be noted that students will not be supervised and CCMS staff is not responsible for these students until 7:55 a.m. Three unexcused tardies will be counted as one unexcused absence.

Students who ride the bus or are picked up by car will be dismissed at 3:20 p.m.  Parents are not allowed to load and unload students behind the school where buses load and unload.  Please use the Glass Avenue entrance in front of the school to pick-up/drop off all students at all times. Every student should be picked up or be off campus by 3:45 p.m.  The only exceptions are students who are in extra-curricular programs.  These students should be picked up or off the campus within 15 minutes after the activity has concluded.


Students are expected to attend school each day.  However, there are times when absences occur. Please refer to the Christian County Code of Acceptable Behavior for all district policies on attendance, excused/unexcused absences, and all laws and procedures related to truancy. 


Only parents or their designee listed on the student’s check out card may check a student out of school. He/she must sign the log at the front desk and show a picture I.D. No telephone check outs are permitted.  When checking a student out of school early or in late, the absences for all classes missed will be excused or unexcused based on the reasons listed in the Code of Acceptable Behavior and a note must be provided.  A parent/guardian must come to the school office to make changes to the check-out card.  If changes occur in custody, or other family matters arise, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school. 


When a student has been absent from school for any reason, he/she MUST bring a note signed by a parent to the front office on the day he/she returns or within 5 school days.  The note should also be dated, including the student first and last name, and should state the reason for the absence.  In case of a medical appointment, the student should request a written statement from the doctor/dentist and bring that statement to school.  Any portion of the day missed requires a note from home or doctor and an admit slip from the attendance clerk.


To receive an award for perfect attendance from CCMS, a student must be in school from the first day of school until the last day of school and not have missed any part of any day all year.  This includes being checked in and/or checked out for any reason.


Please see CCPS Code of Acceptable Behavior for the entire Truancy Policy & Procedure.

Note:  Any child who has been absent from school without a valid excuse for three (3) days, or tardy to school on three (3) or more days, is a truant.  Any child who has been reported absent three (3)  or more times is a habitual truant.  Being absent for less than half a school day shall be regarded as being tardy. Three (3) unexcused tardies are equal to (1) unexcused  absence.  An absence will be calculated on an exact percentage of the day rather than in half-day or whole-day increments.  Events will be assigned when a student is absent for more than sixty (60) minutes of the school day.  


Students who meet academic and school-wide behavior expectations will be recognized on a regular basis at CCMS.  Students and parents will be made aware of the dates and criteria for quarterly rewards.  To stress the importance of meeting expectations all the time, certain rewards will be unannounced.  Those rewards will continue to be based on meeting certain school-wide expectations. 

Principal’s List/Honor Roll - To emphasize the importance of good grades, the middle school will have a Principal's List and an Honor Roll each nine weeks.  For a student to make the Principal's List, he/she must earn all A's.  For a student to make the Honor Roll, he/she must earn A's or B's in all classes. 

Awards Day - An awards day program will be held at the end of the school year.  Academic awards, citizenship awards, club awards, etc. will be given. 

School Dances - CCMS dances are held for CCMS students only and are chaperoned by school officials and parents.  A fee is usually charged for the dance.  Students who have office referrals for discipline may be excluded from attending the dances. This will be determined by the administration and announced before every dance. (Any student with a major office referral or 3+ minors during the 4th nine weeks will not be allowed to attend the 8th grade formal in May).

All students must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the dance has concluded.  Any student in violation of this rule will be suspended from attending all other dances that school year. Students must be in attendance at least ½ a day on the day of the dance in order to attend.

Colonel PRIDE Reward Program

The Colonel Pride Program includes Colonel Pride Points, High School & 8th Grade Ready, and the Colonel House/Team Compeition.  These are managed through Live School Student Accounts.

Pride Points:

Rewarded by teachers for demonstrating The Colonel Way: Respect, Responsibility, and Effort. Additionally, it can be rewarded for the monthly character trait. Pride Points can be spent in the Reward Store.

High School/8th Grade Ready:

Students can earn bonus Colonel Pride Cards by being High School or 8th Grade Ready!  These are based on MAP Scores in Reading and Math.   (These cards do not include the Friday reward - That is the Colonel Pride Card only - not the bonus cards.)  Students who earn high school/8th grade ready in reading will earn free admission to all after school events.  Those who earn it in math will earn a coupon book unique to CCMS.  Students who earn both math and reading with get both previously mentioned rewards plus a Fast Pass.

Students who show growth on the Winter and Spring MAP test will also receive a winter and spring reward.


Colonel House/Team  Competition:

  • Grade level teams will compete against each other for points.

  • Points can earn rewards monthly, each nine weeks, and yearly.

  • Point totals will be kept on hallway bulletin board.

  • Points go along with what you do to earn your Colonel Pride Points already.

Point System:


Each week, every staff member can distribute Pride Points to students displaying The Colonel Way: Respect, Responsibility and Effort, as well as, the Character Trait of the month.  Students can spend their points in the Reward Store for use in the cafeteria, on the Colonel Cart, in the classroom, or at the End of Year drawing for large prizes. Each point earned by a student counts as one point for the team competition.  Reward Store purchases will vary by day.  Teachers are at their discretion.  Colonel Cart will be monthly.  Cafeteria Pride Points will only be allowed on certain days of the week as designated.  (i.e. Free Seating Friday)

9 Weeks:

Each team’s weekly point totals will be tallied in to the team’s nine weeks total. The team with the most points for the nine weeks will receive a team reward.   Bonus points are issued for each student in the class who earned their Colonel Pride Card for that nine weeks!


Each team’s monthly point totals will be tallied into the yearly total. The team with the most points for the year will be named Champions for that year and celebrate with a special team only event. 

Event Attendance: 

Student who attends an approved event (sporting event, drama production, concert, dance, etc.) will receive one point for his or her team. Students will be awarded by a CCMS Staff Member upon entering the event.  Students who are dismissed from an event cannot receive their earned point for that event. 


‍Participation in Programs: 

Students who belong to a CCMS program (sports team, drama, band, chorus, etc.) will receive one point for his or her team. For athletics, points will be awarded as follows: Fall Sports, Winter Sports, Spring Sports.



On the first Friday of every month, each team will be awarded bonus conduct points. Every time a student receives a minor/major referral or violates the code (such as dress code or tardies) during that month, a point will be deducted from his or her team’s’ allotted Conduct points. 



Students may earn one point for his or her team each nine weeks by making the Honor Roll and two points for the Principal’s List. Points will be awarded at the end of each nine weeks.  Each student may also earn points for scoring Proficient and Distinguished on MAP Reading/Math and benchmarks tests. 1 point for Proficient and 2 points for Distinguished.  1 Point will also be given for students who make growth.


CCMS has a continuous grading policy.  As opposed to four nine-week grading periods that are averaged for a final grade, CCMS (and all secondary schools in CCPS) is on a continual system that averages all grades earned from the first to the last day of school with “snapshots” of the current grade sent home on report cards at the end of each nine week period plus the final grade at the end of the year.  For each nine week periods (1-3), a current grade will be posted in Infinite Campus for midterm and final nine week grades.  This allows A and A/B honor roll as well as PRIDE to be calculated.   CCMS will follow CCPS policies regarding promotion and retention.

Mid–term reports will be issued at the middle of each nine weeks grading period.  Parents may check their child's grades and discipline referrals at any time on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.  Contact the guidance office for login information.

Grading Scale - The following grading system (based on a 4.0 scale) will be used for all classes: 

A  100-90

B   89--80

C   79-70

D   69-60

F   59 and below


At no time should a parent be in doubt about the progress or well-being of their child.  If reasonable efforts to resolve an issue have not worked, and a parent still has a question or needs to have a conference to resolve some conflict, the parent may call the guidance department or school administration and arrange for a conference with a teacher, a counselor, the principal, or the team of teachers working with their child.  

If a conference is requested, parents should contact our guidance office to set up an appointment with teachers @ (270) 887-9960 or email:


Students may have a need to talk with a teacher about a problem.  If this is necessary, the student should request to talk with the teacher at some time convenient to both during the day.  Teachers may request to talk with students in order to resolve conflicts or to give individual help to the student.  Every effort is made to keep parents informed.  Please make requests known so that all information is obtained in a timely manner. 


Homework is a viable part of the student's education.  It should be taken seriously by the teacher and student and supported by the parent.  When done so, the results are usually positive and the learning process is strengthened. Because of the importance of homework, plus its direct and indirect impact on grades, all students are expected to complete all assigned homework.

Colonel Care Unit

Colonel Care Unit (CCU) is a system to prevent student failures.  Students at CCMS are not allowed to “opt out” of completing assignments.  Any missing assignment will be given one additional opportunity by the instructor to complete. If a student has not completed the assignment after two attempts a referral to CCU will be made.  Students referred to CCU will be pulled during FLEX time to complete their missing work.  Multiple referrals to CCU will result in disciplinary consequences:


All students who need medication during school hours must adhere to the following procedures:

1.  Present a medication authorization form signed by the prescribing physician and the parent/guardian to the Nurse’s Office.(See below for more information)

2.  Prescription medication must be brought to school in the original prescription bottle, properly labeled by a registered pharmacist as prescribed by law.

3  All medication must be stored and administered by the Nurse.

4. Long term medication will be administered by the Nurse.  A daily log for the medication will be kept and signed by the person giving the medication.

The nurse is required to call the parent(s)/guardian(s) if your student stops by his/her office. Just because you receive a phone call does not mean that the nurse is sending your student home and/or the check-out will be excused.  If you talk to your student and they want you to come get them from school please check back with nurse to see if it will be nurse excused or not before making your decision.

** No aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen will be given to any student by the school unless the above steps were completed. **


Nurse will review file and if anything is needed and will make contact with parent/guardian.


Sometimes there may be circumstances when schools may not be able to honor the parent/guardian’s request to administer medication during school hours. School districts should have these circumstances stated in their school medication administration policy or student hand book. Situations when schools might be unable to grant the parent/guardian’s request may include: 

  • Medication was not sent to school out of the original container.

  • Medication is prescribed twice daily and can be administered before and after school hours.

  • Medication is prescribed three times a day and can be administered before and after school hours.

  • Student has requested over-the-counter medication every day for several days (which is beyond the school district policy of no more than 3 consecutive days without a health care provider’s authorization). 

  • No written authorization on file.

Students also may refuse to receive their medication as prescribed by their health care provider. As best practice and according to the student’s developmental level, the student should understand that the medication is part of a specific treatment plan prescribed to treat particular symptoms, and the potential side effects of the medication.  Refusing medication is not considered a medication error and should be documented on the Medication Administration Record as “refused medication” When a student refuses a prescribed medication, it should be documented and the school nurse notify the parent or guardian as soon as possible. 

 CCMS will follow CCPS Covid guidelines.


If a student is injured, he/she will need to obtain a nurse referral from their teacher and then report to the nurse’s office.  First aid will be administered to minor injuries only.  Parents will be contacted if an injury is such that medical attention appears to be needed.  No medication will be given at school unless written permission is given by the parent and physician.


Christian County Middle School has an effective guidance program that is designed to focus on the unique needs of each student.  The counselors at our middle school work with students, parents, and community personnel to help each student resolve any problem that he or she may have.  Additionally, there are specific duties that counselors have that may be of help to students during their stay at the middle school.  Some of these are: 

  • Helping students when entering or withdrawing from school

  • Scheduling parent-teacher conferences

  • Administering and interpreting standardized test scores

  • Assuring that compensatory services are supplied for those who are educationally or economically deprived

  • Assisting and consulting with parents, teachers, and other middle school staff in understanding and meeting the needs of the middle school student, and scheduling students.

  • Collecting assignments for students who have been absent for three or more days.

  • Counseling students.


1. A parent/legal guardian must come to the guidance department and fill out the necessary withdrawal paperwork prior to the last day of attendance.

2. Turn in all textbooks, assignment books, and other materials that may have been issued.  (Procedures for doing this will be given at the time the withdrawal form is obtained from the guidance office.)

3. Have the withdrawal form signed by all teachers, the librarian, cafeteria, etc.

4. Get final clearance to leave from the guidance department.  All money owed must be paid and all other obligations taken care of before final clearance will be granted.


Student schedules will be changed by the guidance office only after being reviewed and approved by the administration.  It is important to note that the administration may, at any time, change the schedule of a student if it is deemed necessary to improve the learning environment for that child, avoid behavior conflicts, etc. 


Only students involved directly in a school-sponsored activity under the supervision of a coach or a teacher may remain on school property after school is dismissed.  Students involved in after school activities must arrange transportation home immediately following the activity.  Additionally, students not attending school for a ½ day, assigned to ISS, or suspended lose their right to participate in after-school activities for those days.  This includes all after school extracurricular activities. Students who do not abide by these regulations will not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.  

Students WILL NOT be allowed to remain in school while waiting for a practice or game to begin without the supervision of a teacher or coach.


The following groups are considered school-sponsored athletic/extracurricular teams.  Students participating in these activities must meet grade, behavior, and attendance requirements as mandated by the school site-based council:  Dance Team, Basketball, Football, and Cheerleaders.  Athletic department and team policies will be issued to each student athlete and their guardians. Additionally, students may participate in other sports in conjunction with high school programas as one’s interest and ability permits; baseball, golf, wrestling, softball and bass fishing.

Students participating in high school sponsored sports are required to meet KHSAA participation requirements. 

All athletes must abide by the CCMS extracurricular activities policy regarding academic eligibility. 

Prior to participation in athletics, all students must have a physical examination. Sports physicals are only good for 1 fiscal year. You may visit  if you are in need of the form for your physician. Both the middle school and high school forms will need to be completed and returned to the appropriate school. Forms are also available at CCMS.

If a student is quarantined or tests positive for Covid, the KHSAA return-to-play protocol to be followed. This information will be provided by the school and/or coach. 

CCMS ~ Meagan Sallee, Athletic Director –  270-887-7070


CCMS students have the opportunity to participate in band or choir during the school day.  These students must continue to meet academic and school-wide behavior expectations in order to participate.  It is also important to note that academic intervention classes will take precedence over electives when necessary. 

Students will have the opportunity to participate in school sponsored clubs and organizations.  A complete listing of these activities and sponsors is available in the Guidance Department and is provided to all students at the start of the school year.  Some of these clubs/activities include but are not limited to:  Academic Team, Junior Beta Club, Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA), Builders Club, Chess Club, STLP, Band, Choir, etc.


School insurance is available to all students at the beginning of the school year.  All students who participate in athletics and cheerleading are required to purchase this insurance or to have a waiver signed by parents showing that they are covered by their parent's policy.  If insurance is desired later in the year, the parent may contact the insurance company directly.  You may get the insurance company's brochure from the school.


All students must carry a hall pass issued by the faculty/staff member permitting the student to leave class. Students are expected to be in class during instructional time. Hall passes are to be used sparingly and at the teacher’s discretion. Students have time to use the restroom during class change and are encouraged to do so.  


Lockers will be issued.  Students will be expected to keep cell phones, air pods, chargers, food, and backpacks in lockers. 


The following rules apply to student possessions and are for the purpose of minimizing student losses:

  1. Leave valuables not needed for class at home.  Do not leave money, tech devices, or other valuables in your desk or anywhere that you cannot attend to them.

  2. When jackets, books, etc. are found in the classroom, the articles will be placed in the Media Center "Lost and Found" box.   Report to front office the loss of any important article as soon as the loss is known.

  3. Articles confiscated or lost should be claimed in a reasonable length of time and are not the responsibility of CCMS staff or administrators.


Our middle school has a well-equipped media center.  Books and magazines, as well as other materials, are selected to help the middle school student become a lifetime reader and to learn to appreciate the value of using the media center materials.  Students may check out books, but reference materials are to remain in the media center.  Each team leader will schedule time for students to come to the media center.


A fee will be charged to cover the cost of consumable materials in various exploratory classes.  All fees are due the first week of classes. For all students, the fee is $20 and $35 technology fee.


School pictures will be made two times during the year.  Parents and students will be notified in advance of school picture days so that they may dress accordingly.   All students are required to have pictures made for the yearbook. 


Students are expected to come to class with materials.   Students requiring assistance to purchase school supplies may contact our KERALOT Youth Service Center for help with supplies.  Repeated issues of coming to class without materials will be addressed through behavior infractions.  


School telephones are business phones and are to be used as such.  If it becomes necessary to use the telephone, the student must obtain permission.  Except in cases of emergency, a student will not be called to the phone from class.  In case of illness, the student must go to the nurse’s office.  


Textbooks are furnished by the state and are to be used by the students free of charge.  Textbooks are the responsibility of the student and must be cared for properly and returned at the end of the year.  Lost and/or damaged textbooks must be paid for before other books can be issued.  This is a state textbook law.


Yearbook orders may be placed in the fall.  Students must pay in advance for their yearbook.  The yearbook contains pictures of classmates, friends, teachers, and various school activities. If purchased, you will receive your yearbook at the end of the school year. A limited number of yearbooks is ordered each year so early purchases are advised.  Administrators will screen superlative candidate for academic, disciplinary, and attendance issues. 

                                             PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY

                                                                     TITLE I SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM SCHOOL


Christian County Middle School has adopted the following parent involvement policy and plan.  This policy and the plan to implement it have been developed jointly and in agreement with, and will be distributed to, all parents.

Comments indicating parents dissatisfaction with the district Title I plans shall be collected and submitted along with the plan to the Kentucky Department of Education.  Likewise, all comments indicating parent’s dissatisfaction with the school-wide plan shall be collected and submitted along with the plan to the local education agency.

Christian County Middle School shall convene an annual meeting, at a time that is convenient for parents, to which all parents are invited and encouraged to attend.  At the meeting, parents will be informed of the school’s participation in a Title I school-wide program, the purpose and requirement of Title I, and their right to be involved.  Particular attention shall be given to reaching those parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background.

Christian County Middle School shall offer a flexible number of meetings (a.m. and p.m.) to parents, and may provide transportation, childcare and home visits.

Christian County Middle School shall involve parents in an organized, ongoing and timely manner, in the Title I planning, review, and improvement of programs, including the joint development of the school parent involvement policy and the school-wide plan.


Timely information and opportunities to attend regular meetings;

  • School performance profiles and their child’s individual assessment results, including an interpretation of results:

  • A description and explanation of the school curriculum, assessment, and proficiency levels:

  • A timely response to any parent suggestions.


Christian County Middle School has jointly developed with parents, for all students, a parent-school learning compact that describes:

  • the school’s responsibility to provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that will enable students to meet the state’s academic expectations:

  • ways in which each parent will be responsible for supporting his/her child’s learning:

  • the ongoing communication between parents and teachers through; parent/teacher conferences at which time the learning compact will be discussed: progress reports to parents: and reasonable access to staff, observation of classroom activities, and opportunities volunteer and participate in their child’s class.


Christian County Middle School shall build the capacity for strong parent involvement.

  • Providing assistance to parents in understanding national, state, and local goals, standards, and assessments.  Title I, Part A requirements; and how to monitor their child’s performance as well as information on how parents can participate in the education of their child;

  • Providing materials and training to parents such as needed literacy training not otherwise available to help parents improve their child’s achievement.

  • Educating all school staff, with assistance of parents, on how to reach out, to communicate with, and to work with parents to improve their child’s achievement.

  • Coordinating and integrating, as appropriate, parent involvement programs/activities with Head Start, Home Instruction program for Preschool Youngsters, Parents as Teachers program, and public preschool programs.

  • Ensuring, to the extent possible, information is sent home in a language and form parents can understand. For parents whose English is a second language, provide information in their primary language. For parents who are visually impaired, provide information in Braille or in large print.

  • Involving parents, where appropriate, in the development of training for teachers and other staff that improves instruction.

  • Providing other assistance, as appropriate, such as parent resource centers where parents can learn about child development and rearing from birth, designed to help parents become full partners in the education of their child.

  • Developing appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses and encouraging partnerships with elementary, middle, and secondary schools.

  • Training and supporting parents to enhance involvement of other parents, where appropriate


It is the intent of the board that parents of students shall be provided with frequent and convenient opportunities for on-going participation in the Title I program. These include opportunities to suggest modifications based on changing needs of parents and the schools.  An annual evaluation will be conducted through each school and all parent comments will be collected and submitted in order to make revisions to the existing parent involvement policies.

The Title I program shall be designed to assist students in achieving the goals established by law, as well as the goals and standards established by the Board.  These goals and standards shall be shared with parents in a manner that will enable them to: (1) participate in decisions concerning their child’s education and (2) monitor and improve the educational achievement of their child.


Since the District’s Title I allocation is $500,000 or more, the District shall reserve one percent of its allocation for the purpose of promoting parent involvement.  Parents of students shall be provided the opportunity to help decide how this portion of the Title I funds will be used.

The District will provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist schools in planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities.  These measures may include, but are not be limited to the following:

*Providing resources to assist in communicating with parents, transporting parents to meeting sites and/or implementing home visits.  Provide child-care for meetings, encourage parents to use available parent resource centers, and work with parents to improve parenting skills, particularly those skills that will assist parents in working with their child to improve his/her educational achievements.  Resources may include individuals, agencies, materials, and services.

*Share options for coordinating and integrating Title I program strategies with services of other community programs, businesses, and agencies.

*Identify ways in which parents can be involved in staff training activities to demonstrate the value of parent involvement.  Identify various techniques designed to successfully engage parents as equal partners in their child’s education.

*Design and conduct an effective annual evaluation process whereby parents can share their ideas about the content and effectiveness of this policy and the plan designed to implement it.  The process shall focus on the following questions:

  • Does this policy increase parent participation?

  • What barriers to parent participation still exist and how can they be reduced or removed?

The findings produced by the annual evaluation shall be utilized to design strategies for school improvement and for revising this policy, if necessary.

*In the design of activities and materials for parents, particular attention shall be given to reaching and involving those who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background.


Each school shall submit to the Superintendent and Board for review and comment its Title I School Parent Involvement Policy, which must meet all legal requirements.  This policy shall be developed and distributed to parents of students.

A copy of each school’s parent involvement policy and accompanying checklist shall be kept on file in the

Central Office.     REFERENCES: Section 1118 of Improving America’s School Act (IASA) of 1994

                 KRS 158-645      KRS 158-645